Thursday, July 3, 2014

Two pics...the steam level rises...

Writer's challenge:  Write an engaging scene for both pictures and articulate to your 
readers the obvious as well as the subtle differences between both pictures.

Although the couples in both pictures are almost in the exact same pose, the pictures evoke different emotions. At first glance, a viewer is going to see that the level of steam rises in the second picture. Don't be mislead by the obvious difference of skin and clothes. There is sweetness to the second picture just as there is desire in the first. It's the intensity and atmosphere that differ. Someone viewing the pictures with more than a quick glance will pick up on subtle differences as well as the subtle similarities.

Words also need to be able to communicate the same differences, subtle and otherwise, that the pictures convey.  There is more than a sweetness of love in the first picture and the heat of love in the second.

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