About Me

I am an avid reader, not of greatly acclaimed literary masterpieces, but of the everyday books that are relaxing and that pull me into another time and place.

I was the kid that pedaled my Schwinn Stingray with the banana seat to the library and loaded up my handlebar basket with books. I read every Nancy Drew Mystery the library had and then searched for books that were similar. I have to confess my favorite genre is romantic suspense, heavy on the suspense.

Fast forward to college and I remember spending time in the stacks going through books that interested me. (OK, maybe my time would have been better spent studying, but...)

With the digital age, my reading addiction plays out on an e-reader, but now and then I hold a "real" book in my hands. There's a little tug of war going on in my heart, e-books versus paper books.  I have a Google Nexus and I love it. It has thousands of books, miscellaneous Apps, internet access and all of this in a small portable package that I carry in my purse. Really, what's not to love?

But yet, there is something about a library with rows and rows of books. It's a visual feast that my little Nexus can't duplicate.

I always dreamed of having a library in the house, but now I waver. I love a room with built-in bookshelves, a warm fireplace and cozy chairs to read in. But what happens when all the books on the shelves are from years ago and all the current books are on an e-reader? I wonder what the home library of the future will look like.

And although I still go to the library and get "real" books, most of my time is spent on my Nexus.

I am retired and spent the last 25 years working “inside the box” and would like to spend the next 25 years playing “outside the box”. I have a passion for writing and art and I missed that my professional life did not include what I love so much.

Like other readers, I have a desire to write. There is a taunting thought that whispers inside my head, daring me to try to write and then telling me I can't do it. I have often daydreamed characters and stories, but there is a huge gap between having a story meander through my mind and actually writing out a cohesive story. While I can entertain myself with these, would I really be able to create a story for someone else to read?

This blog contains my scattered thoughts on being a reader and wishing I were a writer.

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